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Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life



ИконкаПолучение сертификата:14 000 руб.
Иконка11 кредитовза прохождение

ИконкаУже участвуют:2

О курсе

Read fully to understand the verified-certificate option. Join Professor Eric Lander and the MITx Biology team in this unique introductory biology learning experience. All 7.00x course materials are available here for exploration and completion, including video and interactive problem sets and exams for skill building. We strongly encourage you to work through the activities, towards a goal of learning biology. We have optimized the course settings for learning: instant feedback after trying problems and all content available at all times. We offer a rigorous means of certifying edX learners in their mastery of the MITx introductory biology content, through the MITx 7.00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam. This exciting option is available ONLY to those who register for the verified-certificate track, and successful completion of this exam is the only assessment that counts toward a certificate. We highly recommend preparing for the Competency Exam certification by using the current course materials and MIT OpenCourseWare problems. The next Competency Exam will be open February 20, 2018 to February 27, 2018.

7.00x is an introductory level biology course hosted by professor Eric Lander, who was one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project. The course content reflects the topics taught in the MIT introductory biology courses and many biology courses across the world. As a learner, you will first focus on the structure and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. You will discover how changes in the structure of some of these macromolecules alter their functions and what the implications of such changes have on human health. As you continue in the course, you will apply an understanding of heredity and information flow within cells to human health and disease and will learn about molecular biological techniques and their potential to impact our changing world. After you complete this course, you will have a foundation in biology that will allow you to understand the remarkable medical revolution going on today.

MITx 7.00x: Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life will let you explore the mysteries of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics, and rational medicine. We are excited to take this journey with you!

В этом месте будет загружен материал «Youtube: » (116).

Содержание курса

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Introduction to Biology

1. Medical revolutions in Biology
2. Biological applications in forensics, history, and agriculture.
3. The diversity of life
4. An overview of evolution and a comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
5. The fundamental principles and intellectual framework of biology

Biochemistry of life

1. Framework, Buchner, and Fractionating life
2. Molecular composition of cells
3. Covalent bonds
4. Non-covalent bonds
5. Lipids and phospholipids: creating boundaries
6. High energy molecules: ATP and carbohydrates

Proteins and Protein Structure

1. Amazing proteins: primary structure
2. Meet the amino acids
3. Secondary structure
4. Tertiary and quaternary structure


1. Design a channel protein
2. Enzymes and biochemical reactions
3. What do enzymes do?
4. How do enzymes work?
5. Influenza virus - tricks of a burglar

Pathways: Glycolysis

1. The energetics of pathways
2. Logical tricks of pathways
3. Glycolysis: a pathway to break down sugar
4. Regulation of pathways
5. Cellular respiration and fermentation


1. Background: Who was Mendel? Why Peas?
2. Mendel’s Experiments: controls and crosses
3. Definitions
4. Multiple traits: Mendel’s second law
5. Cytology
6. The chromosomal theory of inheritance

Rediscovery of Mendel and advances by TH Morgan

1. Meiosis
2. Fruit flies and linkage
3. Linkage Maps
4. Linkage Mapping
5. Sex chromosomes and sex linkage

Basics of human genetics

1. X-linked recessive inheritance
2. Autosomal dominant inheritance
3. Autosomal recessive inheritance
4. Real human genetics
5. Garrod and inborn errors of metabolism

Biochemical Genetics

0. Garrod, Beadle, Tatum and the link between genetics and biochemistry
1. Yeast as a model organism
2. How to use genetics to study biochemistry: A mutant hunt
3. Tricks of a mutant hunt
4. Characterizing mutants: test of dominance
5. Characterizing mutants: complementation test
6. Characterizing mutants: epistasis test

DNA as the hereditary material

1. The Transforming principle
2. Structure of DNA: nucleotides and base-pairing
3. Bacterial viruses
4. DNA structure, the race

DNA Replication

1. Meselson and Stahl
2. Details of DNA replication
3. Additional details of DNA replication: topography and other enzymes
4. Additional details of DNA replication: fidelity
5. Kornberg’s enzyme

Central Dogma: Transcription and Translation

1. RNA
2. Transcription: making RNA copy of DNA
3. Translation: making a polypeptide from RNA
4. Peering back in time

Variations on the Central Dogma

1. Replication in different organisms
2. Transcription in different organisms
3. Translation in different organisms

A tale of two genes: β-galactosidase and β-globin

1. β-galactosidase in E. coli
2. Lac operon, lactose regulation
3. Lac operon, glucose regulation
4. Hormone receptors in mammals
5. β-globin gene structure.
6. β-globin mutations
7. The β-globin region

Cloning: Purifying a gene

0. Overview
1. Cutting and pasting molecules of DNA
2. Vectors
3. Transformation of host cells
4. Selection and creating a library

Finding a specific gene in the library

0. Review/Overview
1. Tricks for cloning
2. Different cloning vectors and source DNA
3. Finding your gene by complementation
4. Finding your gene by protein expression

Analyzing a gene

1. Gel electrophoresis
2. DNA sequencing, the concept
3. DNA sequencing, implementation
4. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Human genome and positional cloning

0. Recombinant DNA review
1. Finding your gene: human Mendelian diseases
2. Finding markers across the genome for positional cloning
3. The Human Genome Project, genome assembly and analysis
4. Improvements since the Human Genome project
5. Improvements in DNA sequencing

Secrets of the human genome

1. Tour of the genome: the genomic landscape
2. Evolutionary comparison
3. Evolutionary comparison as a tool for biomedical research
4. DNA polymorphisms within humans


1. DNA polymorphism in medicine: Mendelian disease
2. DNA polymorphisms: polygenic disease
3. RNA variation
4. Protein localization on the genome

Perturbing the genome to probe function

1. Adding and subtracting genes
2. RNA interference
3. Modern genome editing: TALEN proteins and CRSPR

Familial hypercholesterolemia

1. Heart disease
2. Cholesterol
3. Lipoprotein particles
4. Connections to heart disease
5. Genetics of cholesterol levels
6. Rational therapy for FH heterozygotes
7. Modern strategies: PCSK9 and HDL


1. Cancer
2. Regulation of cell growth: growth factors and receptors
3. Regulation of cell growth: Ras
4. Regulation of cell growth: Ras signaling
5. Mutations that cause cancer
6. Anti-cancer therapy

Science and Society

1. DNA and law
2. Other forensic technologies
3. Gene patenting

Файлы для предварительного ознакомления

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ИконкаПродолжительность:12 недель
ИконкаЯзык:English, 中文
ИконкаСубтитры:English, 中文


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